Get | /api/thumbnail?id={id}&stage={stage}&width={W}&height={H}&fmt={F}&backcol={B}&details={I}&pointsize={ps}&yaw={Y}&pitch={P}&distance={D}
Generate a thumbnail image. All parameters are optional except id.
id - The id of the replicate object
stage - The stage of the pipeline. ply, refinedply, mesh (OMIT this parameter for now, to use default PLY generated thumbnail)
width - The width of the thumbnail (16-1024). Default is 128.
height - The height of the thumbnail (16-1024). Default is 128.
fmt - Image format to return. png or jpg. Default is jpg.
backcol - Hex RGB for background colour. eg 000000 (black) or 444444 (darkgrey) or FF00FF (magenta). Default is black.
detail - either "none" or "debug" at present supported. overlaid text info. default is none.
pointsize - for point clouds. size of each point in pixels. Only values 1,2,3 are supported. Default is 1.
yaw - camera yaw in degrees. default is 0. viewing from the front. increasing values move the camera right (anticlockwise)
pitch - camera pitch in degrees. default is 30 raising it slightly above horizon. increasing values move the camera up initially (anticlockwise)
distance - distance of camera from object center as a proportion of its radius. So 2 means the camera will be twice the object radius from the object centre. Default is 2.
Default thumbnail of Object 817 (toy wall). /api/thumbnail?id=817
PLY thumbnail of Object 623 (a calculator) at 512x512 /api/thumbnail?id=623&width=512&height=512&fmt=jpg&distance=1&backcol=444444
PLY thumbnail of Object 1321 at 512x512 with info at specific camera angle and distance. /api/thumbnail?id=1321&width=512&height=512&fmt=jpg&details=debug&dist=2&yaw=-45&pitch=0&distance=1&backcol=444444
Default thumbnail of an object that doesn't exist. /api/thumbnail?id=XXXX